This web page was last updated on 5 April 2008 Team ExpectationsAll players should learn our Team Expectations. Print these out, and keep these with your gear during tournaments and practices. Be prepared to discuss them. Coach Mitchell is always full of surprises.
Defense PrinciplesUse these as guides to help you understand what we are doing on the court. Players should study this information. Coach Holts' Defense and Movement Handout
Setting and Play TerminologyUse these as guides to help you understand what we are doing on the court. Players should study this information. Set/Play Terminology Information
Basic Serve Receive PatternsThese are the basic serve receive patterns we will be utilizing this season. They will change based on conditions. Players should study this information. Serve Receive pattern 2 (This is the NEW one)
Typical LineupsThese are the typical lineups we will be utilizing this season. There are many possibilities, but we need to try and focus on a few best that work for the Team.
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