CSG Volleyball Frequently Asked Questions
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This web page was last updated on 30 August 2009


What is a "Contact Day" in the summer pre-season?

The Ohio High School Athletic Association bylaws (for schools that are members) allow for only a specific number of days between June and August (usually 10 for volleyball), where coaches can provide specific volleyball education and/or training.

Any volleyball specific instruction by any volleyball coach in the program to any player counts as a contact day (eg. the J.V. coach training on Monday and the Varsity coach doing so on Tuesday counts as two days).

General conditioning, student coordinated play, and open gyms are not considered 'Contact' days.


Does my daughter have to ride the bus back to CSG after an away match?

The basic answer is "Yes". The healthy concept of Team means that each athlete contributes to and is part of something larger than herself; the foregoing of individual desires and acceptance of the Team's norms builds healthy and strong Team bonds. As part of this Team unity, we need to arrive as a Team, and depart as a Team.


When does the season start and does it conflict with basketball or field hockey?

The active competitive season normally starts the same week school starts and runs until the end of October. The Middle school season starts approximately the same time, and will end a little sooner than the end of October.

Our Volleyball season normally doesn't conflict with basketball; however it does coincide with field hockey. Talk to your coach and discuss arrangements if you wish to try and be active in both Volleyball and field hockey.


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