This web page was last updated on 23 October 2009.


Our Schedule of Volleyball Events can be found on these links (Check for updates to these calendars frequently):

Whole schedule (practices, matches, etc.)

Varsity Match Schedule on High School Sports Net


Parent assignments for home matches can be viewed here. Coordinate changes due to conflicts, preferences, etc. with Diane.

We must expect parents with assignments to attend to these obligations or coordinate a replacement (with other parents) if there are scheduling conflicts.

The whole team certainly appreciates the support of our Parents in this endeavor!



See our running list of announcements here.



See contest results here.



Super raw data here (use the Zoom feature in your PDF viewer).

Team "Box" scores here

Individual "Box" scores



Serve Receive



Charts / Graphics

Performance by Player

Team Efficiencies and Probabilities                    [What are these?]

Team Errors                                                            [What are these?]


Did we improve? These charts show the answer is "Yes"


Our Team Goals

Our Team goals are...


Weekly Awards

See weekly award information here.



Before and during our season, all players should be familiar with the resources page. Print what you find there, and keep it in a ringed binder or booklet. It will help you understand what we are trying to do.

We will reference these items during the season, so have your booklet with you.

Access our resources page here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


About The Coaches

Coach Mitchell (Varsity)

Coach Waild (Assistant Varsity / Junior Varsity)



Various Pictures







(Here are funny volleyball videos by Danny Kinda.... Ladies, he's kidding.... it's a goof)

Danny Kinda Makes a Recruiting Tape

Danny Kinda Coaches Team USA

Danny Kinda 'Teaching' young Volleyball Players

Danny Kinda Teaches Heart (my favorite)


Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2009, Sarc Development