CSG Volleyball Frequently Asked Questions
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This web page was last updated on 17 July 2008


Does my daughter have to ride the bus back to CSG after an away match?


If an athlete's parents/guardians are not at an away match, and the athlete is not able to produce a specific, signed letter from her parent(s)/guardian(s) indicating she is able to ride with another athlete or another person, that athlete will ride the bus back to CSG.


Can I write one letter for my daughter to ride with another from an away match that will last for the whole season?


It becomes problematic when an athlete goes home with "Betty" one time, and then with "Suzie" the next, when the coach is supposed to track this permission; it is too difficult for the coach to ensure the permission granted is the permission used, unless each permission is separate and unique.

If this needs to occur frequently, then we suggest making a form letter, with a blank date and the party your daughter may ride with, and filling in each item (and signing it) for every away match. However, we expect the athlete to provide a signed, specific letter for each away event on the day of the event.


When can players leave after a match?

Our protocol for when athletes can leave, etc. is as follows:

1. For home matches, all athletes stay until all teams have finished and the gym and equipment is in proper order.

2. For away matches, all members of the team playing earlier will stay until the completion of the first game of the team playing next. Then they are free to go (or stay).


When does the season start and does it conflict with basketball or field hockey?

The active competitive season normally starts the same week school starts and runs until the end of October. The Middle school season starts approximately the same time, and will end a little sooner than the end of October.

Our Volleyball season normally doesn't conflict with basketball; however it does coincide with field hockey. Talk to your coach and discuss arrangements if you wish to try and be active in both Volleyball and field hockey.


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