CSG Volleyball - Announcements
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This web page was last updated on 23 February 2007.


23 February 2008

Though we have known of this for a few months, I have not updated this website until now, due to holidays, etc.

Coach Myers has informed us that she needs to spend time with her recent addition to her family (her beautiful boy), and will be unable to coach for us this next season! We certainly will miss her, but understand. We will need to determine how to fill the middle school coach position, and are currently recruiting.


13 September 2007

Team, our stats collection broke down considerably during the last 2 games of our previous match; I derived this by comparing actual stats from tape to what was recorded during the game on paper.

I know it was exciting, but you still need to focus on what is happening on the court, in a quantifiable way.

You must focus on keeping Stats if you are not in the game.


9 September 2007

Thanks to all the parents who worked to make our CSG Invitational Tournament a huge success!


The Junior Varsity team is improving, and worked through a lot of quality touches with Varsity caliber teams.

The Varsity team won the whole tournament, going 3-0 in match play, and 6-1 in game play for the day!

Great job to both teams!


26 August 2007

Very proud of the girls and the adjustments they made this weekend! Varsity learned the meaning of

"Any given team, any given day!"

and realized that every single point matters! They executed well, and had a great match (just look at the statistics page)!


JV showed improvements by:

*less free balls, more overhand hits
*we attacked overpasses
*better overall approaches
*arms are getting higher

Kudos to all athletes on working through adversity!


23 August 2007

We have not had a lot of announcements on this page, making most of our announcements verbally. However, I just wanted to reiterate what I told you (the team) this evening.

Overall, we are pleased with how you are progressing and learning the game of Volleyball the way we think it should be played! You are working very hard, and it shows! Keep up the good work, and always remember our 1st Team Expectation:

 "...we never quit, we never give up!


4 July 2007

Coach Lee has informed us that she has accepted a new position at work that will not enable her the schedule flexibility to coach this year. We wish her luck in her promotion, and will determine how to fill the lower school coach position.


2 June 2007

The Fitness Training Plan Testing, Instruction, Customization session went well today. Kudos to those who participated! We did not have the turn-out we desired.

If you missed today's session, work with us on a scheduled weight or conditioning day to catch-up.


21 May 2007

Coach Hershberger has informed us that she has been offered (and has accepted) the Varsity Volleyball coaching position for West Jefferson High School.

We wish her luck in this opportunity!

We are now searching for a new Varsity Assistant.


8 May 2007

Our pre-summer meeting was very productive; many parents and players were able to hear a little of our plans, and were able to ask really good questions.

There was a lot of activity at CSG this evening and not all were able to attend.

See here for the agenda and notes from this meeting.


30 April 2007

We will have a pre-summer meeting for all current and future players.

Meeting will be at CSG in the Dining Room,

8 May 2007,

6:00-7:00 pm,

See flyer here.


22 April 2007

I am working on getting our schedules published, based on what we know. Expect to see them on our "Schedules" page soon.


I am interviewing candidates for our volleyball program; I believe I have 3 good additions, and would like to pickup one other (4th-6th, Middle School, Junior Varsity, and a Varsity Assistant).


Expect to see our schedule begin on 1 June 2007; this is when our pre-season will begin. I will provide a weight training and aerobic training program for each player, and we will meet to "test" in order to customize each program.

It will be straightforward enough to be easy to follow, but at the same time ensure you will get into proper physical shape for the season. I will also show proper technique for the weight and other exercises.

From approximately middle August to the end of the season, I can adjust my schedule to accommodate 4:00 - 6:00 practices and such. However, between 1 June 2007 and middle of August I may not be able to attend all sessions; we can rely on flexible scheduling and/or our other volleyball coaches to handle this.


Finally, I am trying to get us into the Summer League that Chuck runs (Watterson); send me an email indicating your thoughts on this (either way, yes or no).







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